Thursday, September 23, 2004

Professional Distortion

It's terrible.. I'm a total slacker! I didn't get into work until 9, which means I was an hour late. I stayed and hour late yesterday.. which should count for something.

I went to the Black Dog (but we've changed the name to Dead Dog) with Anna and her friend Allan. He's from Jasper and I've heards tons tons and more tons about him. And I finally got to meet him. He's as cool as I expected.

I have to say I'm a little worried, because it's lunchtime and Anna seems to be.. somewhere else that isn't here. By the time I left the Dead Dog she was complimenting me on my shirt alot..

No Anna? What's a girl to do? No Cecylia? She's not in for another hour. I am not impressed.

Tonight I'm going to see Shaun of the Dead (assuming we get there early enough and we can get a spot into the premiere) It's a comedy. And it's British. and it's got zombies in it? It has to be good. I'm not so sure about the zombie part, but I guess you can't go wrong with funny zombies Or can you? I'll get back to you on that one.

I've just found out, thanks to our team leader, Mr. Cooperation (that's what he called himself-I think that's a good sign- he's in charge of the 8 Canadians going to Kaliningrad-I've never met him, but I trust him already.. anybody who nicknames themselves Mr. Cooperation gets my stamp of approval) that there are many internet cafes in Kaliningrad. Isn't the internet cool? Now I can annoy everybody from abroad. What a relief.

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