Thursday, December 22, 2005


It's that time of the year. Yep, time to update blogs.

Oh wait, it's actually time to wrap Christmas presents and eat cookies and wonder if your loved ones will appreciate the gifts you've spent weeks trying to pick out for them. It seems to me like Christmas is always a bit of pressure. How can you quantify you feelings for somebody through some material object? "hey mom, thanks for spending the last 8000 days being a fully functioning parent and going out of your way to make sure that I'm safe and sound and fed and have a roof over my head, etc. So, yeah I'm really quite thankful, and to prove it, I present you with this lovely.. scarf? It even matches your jacket, which means I obviously appreciate you a great deal..." Well I guess what I'm trying to say is there's really no possible way to express gratitude through gifts. But I kind of feel like I have to.. there must be a word for this? catch 22? oh no, that's something to do with the war.

Christmastime last year, I was.. dancing all night at a nightclub called "Vagonka" in Kaliningrad. It was very non-christmas-like, but still so much fun. I gave one gift and I received one gift. Which was great.

Well, I've just discovered the Futureheads and they are SPLENDID. LIke Splenda, but sweeter with less brain cancer. Ok, not like Splenda, Like Bloc Party, but spelled correctly.

Anyways, I hope everybody has a gigantically fabulous holiday season, with plenty of desert wine, poultry, and awkward gifts you don't know what to do with.

And please don't tell my mom I got her a scarf.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

It's noon on Sunday and I've already been for breakfast with my dad, gotten groceries (and put them all away) and bought a birthday present/Christmas present... why do people have babies near Christmas?

Now, all I have left to do is study for my accounting final tomorrow. I've decided that accounting is not something for me. No matter how much I read about it and do practice questions, I'll never feel comfortable writing a test about it. Which I guess is a shame, cause I have to do that in about 24 hrs. Luckily, once I'm done one accounting class, I'll never have to take another one again. Unless I fail this one, which is (knock on wood) very unlikely. I talked to a faculty advisor and she told me that I really have to mess things up in order to get kicked out. I guess it's not as cut-throat as I thought.

This Christmas is much more Christmasy, seeing as I'm in a country that celebrates Christmas. Funny how that works. I'm looking forward to being done exams, though. I have some plans to go toboganning, go skating do some baking. Like some weird cookies from that massive book tessa stole from her work. And reading. Books. And watch tv. And watch the movies Jag recommended cause he made me this SWEET list of his favourite movies. And drink. I guess it's not cold out, so I can't say I want to drink to stay warm. I'm sure we'll have more cold weather eventually...

I can't belive how boring of a post that is. I talked about the weather! I think this blogging business (even though it's not a business) is really a great procrastination tool.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

daniel vs. ocean part 3

daniel vs. ocean part 3
Originally uploaded by maladiets.
I found this picture in my inbox from my little brother without any text to go with it. (I find this peculiar. Most people write stuff to go with the pictures) Granted it's pretty obvious. He's clearly surfing, and he's in an ocean somewhere.. hawaii, australia, like it matters.

Had this been anybody else, I would be happy for them. But because it's my brother, and he just sent the picture without any words.. so typical "i'm too busy to write anything cause I have to go back to the beach but I will find just enough time to send this lonely picture" I can't help but feel a wee bit jealous.

Ok, underneath it all, I'm truly happy for him. Not only is he doing what he wants, he's also doing it sans mom to take care of him and sans dad to pay for him. Way to go, little (bigger) bro!