Thursday, December 08, 2005

daniel vs. ocean part 3

daniel vs. ocean part 3
Originally uploaded by maladiets.
I found this picture in my inbox from my little brother without any text to go with it. (I find this peculiar. Most people write stuff to go with the pictures) Granted it's pretty obvious. He's clearly surfing, and he's in an ocean somewhere.. hawaii, australia, like it matters.

Had this been anybody else, I would be happy for them. But because it's my brother, and he just sent the picture without any words.. so typical "i'm too busy to write anything cause I have to go back to the beach but I will find just enough time to send this lonely picture" I can't help but feel a wee bit jealous.

Ok, underneath it all, I'm truly happy for him. Not only is he doing what he wants, he's also doing it sans mom to take care of him and sans dad to pay for him. Way to go, little (bigger) bro!

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