Tuesday, July 12, 2005


wanna know what's a bad idea? eating a chocolate bar for lunch. Learn from my experience of today. Don't do it..
I'm a bit jittery.. and sick. bad combination.

yesterday i went for a bikeride in the rain with my good pal Cyborg the hydrobeast. Oh wait, that's a lie Cyborg didn't make it out... let me try again. Yesterday I went for a bikeride with Jenn. It started raining, which made it seem like we were riding through a sprinkler. it was so surreal.. and stuff..

Then, the most amazing thing happened. I've finally found the yoghurt of my dreams. I was considering immigrating to Germany because they have the best yoghurt ever. We don't have anything close.. or so I thought.. until it spoke to me in all it's glory from the yoghurt fridge... it's pear flavored.. and each bite tastes like western european subsidized dairy farmer creamy goodness..(even though it probably isn't) so looks like immigration plans are on the back burner. ja ja vielleicht später, aber wenn Anna hier bleibt, was soll ich dann in Deutschland tun?

What happened before that? I had an nice weekend I think. I got a great sunburn, hung out with some "good people" (whatever that means..) some R-blading and I tried S-boarding and fell off the skateboard and it's a good thing i didn't try rollerblading and skateboarding at the same time. I heard it's hard. Maybe even impossible, i'll get back to you on that.

Some "good people" gave me a questionable tattoo on my leg (don't worry grandpa, it was on a felt pen tattoo) .. i call it: Giant stick man and his Funky Monkey meets.. Pakman....? by the way, Funky Monkey is the best show in the universe! (i think I would know..)

so now it's time to .. "work" WHAT? mm. i better keep writing. crap.. i need something to write about.. hmmm..

oh yeah, this relates to 2 prior topics i dont' even need a seguay! .. Yoghurt and Sunburns. 2 very clever women informed me that yoghurt is one of the best moisturizrs..and you should put it on sunburns.. so i did just that. I wandered around my apartment in a partial bathing suit .. covered in plain 3.5% fat yoghurt. It was awesome. This is why living alone has serious perks (although cool roomies probably wouldn't have minded my weird behaviour) I could hear my neighbors whispering.. "did you see the tenant covering herself in yoghurt? oh yeah, you mean the who stacks up lawn chairs and tries to climbs through he window at 3am? fersure.. yeah, with a she's got a pornographic pakman tattoo, yeah we should... keep her away from our babies?!.."

I THINK I WANT TO WAK WAK . Wak wak means throw up in Nepali, in case anybody was wondering how to say throw up in Nepali. and by throw up, I mean vomit, not like throw a ball up into the sky..


Anonymous said...

pornographic pakman tattoo - jajajaja, can I see it?
retrired BBQ-Master

Anonymous said...

I posted it on my photo blog for "friends" only. Login and and you'll see it; the general public will not. It's our little secret. He he...

amy said...

(sarcastic font) "friends" are so lucky... that they get to see the disgusting mess....

Anonymous said...

It's a horror that shouldn't be released on the world just yet.