THEY (who the heck is they?) say the blog was kinda interesting while I was in RUSSIA.. and once I got to PEI it went down a significant notch and now.. well, it's downhill, and there's no turning back.
Do you REALLY have to be "OUT OF TOWN" to keep up your blog? Probably not.
I've been THINKING about this whole blogging business/entertainment/notion/idea and well, it seems to me that it's quite complicating. There's alot of WACKY stuff I could write about, but the readership is QUITE broad. Not necessarily large, but broad. As in broad ages and broad walks of life and broad relationships with me. So not everything I wanna say is going to be appropriate for everybody. Which leaves me to write really shallow crap about NOTHING. Or to just NOT CARE and write what I want. My fellow young short-attention span-ADD-or-maybe-ADHD-i wanna ride my bike-over-stimulated-de-sensitized- fellow internet surfers can appreciate it either way..
I'm back at work at CARBON BUSTERS. I found my old desk covered in random BOXES and old PRINTERS and DEAD PLANTS, so until I feel energetic enough to deal with it, I've migrated across the office to sit with Anna, or the SPUNKMEISTER as I like the call her (she doesn't know about this nickname yet either). So far, things are going A OKAY. I'm dealing with the usual computer problems and communication problems that existed 6 months ago, but CHALLENGES are always important for personal growth, right? And jobs are helpful for.. money.. and money.. helpful for living.. etc.. etc..
Last week, I went to Stammtisch for some German speaking madness which was awesome. Then I went to Whyte for some pub action and remembered that Edmonton is a very vibrant city. And it has a damn high bar/club/restaurant turnover rate.
I learnt today that the Chinese ideogram for "CRISIS" is the character for "DANGER" and "OPPORTUNITY" put together, which I thought was very cool. This makes me feel much better about the global eco-crisis. Anna said she met a lady on the bus who was asking where global warming was cause it was still so damn cold outside.
I'm living with my parents, which has been quite nice. My dad and I watched this wacky video called "ROCK AND ROLL CIRCUS" last night. John Lennon, the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Taj Mahal, Jethro Tull and a bunch of other musically inclined wacked out on drugs individuals dressed up like they were at a frickin CIRCUS and put on a wacky concert somewhere in England in what looks like a circus tent. Some dude came to play the violin and Yoko Ono is standing in front of him for half the song staring at him. (he's looking quite confused at this point) Then all of a sudden she starts YELLING at the top of her lungs.. TO THE BEAT.. if that's possible.. and this guy was totally caught off guard and had this strange look on his face, kind of a cross between FEAR and EMBARASSMENT. The audience (which is really small) are all wearing YELLOW rain jackets and appear to be randomly swaying BACK and FOURTH in a space-cakey- trance for 30 hours. Sometimes I wish I would have been alive in 1968. This is the image I had in my head as I drifted off to sleep. That may explain the random YELLING throughout this post.
1 comment:
Wow, I really don't KNOW WHAT to say ABOUT that. Instert a few WORDS OF WISDOM here and THERE, and put in OVEN at 450° Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. SHAKE well before SERVING.
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