Ah, yes, a lovely Tuesday morning. I sit here staring at my screen wondering what to do. Some technical difficulties with my computer are preventing me from doing the work that I would like to be doing. I considered consulting the office Tech Support to see if they could fix it, but then I remembered that I am the office Tech Support and I have no clue how to fix my problem.
So, this problem will go unfixed until I dream up a solution. I'm feeling a touch guilty that it's not quite lunchtime and I'm already freeling blogging away. So I'll do some advertising. My company is called Carbon Busters, or Öko-Smart in Deutschland, and we do energy audits and environmental education of/in schools and municipal buildings in Canada and Germany. Our goal is to decrease CO2 emissions and provide a healthy liveable environment for future generations.
In other news, we have fruit flies!!! They are flying around the office all over the place and I want to stab them all. With daggers perhaps. Anybody know how to get rid of them? Other than rid your surroundings from all dust, food, moisture and smells or attempting to smother them all??
And, I leave you with some words of wisdom from my idol:
"Free societies are hopeful societies. And free societies will be allies against these hateful few who have no conscience, who kill at the whim of a hat."
--Mr. Themostpowerfulmanintheworld
Sounds like a neat company. Do you have a particular job other than tech support? And why Canada and Germany?
You need bait, maybe half a cantaloupe. Then when the fruit flies gather, you can stab them all at once. At the whim of a hat.
i'm "assistant energy auditor" in theory..
and the bosses are german.. and the rest of the staff comes from either germany, luxembourg or switzerland. And energy is expensive in Germany, so it's worth it for us to travel over there. ja ja das ist gut. was machst du?
ps the canteloupe idea didn't work out. and I can't seem to find any band-aids big enough..
Ah, but you should be thankful for the little fruit flies. Don't they eat fruit that comes from trees--the same tress that absorb CO2?
-- McQueen
Ever consider investing in a frog? Let it eat up all the fruit flies, then, when its grown big enough, thrown it on the BBQ! I hear frogs taste just like chicken. No more fruit flies, and a tasty treat! Yum yum! :D
jf, how did you know that anna is the BBQ master?
I miss Kent Street Timothy's. can you go there and pretend you're me?
Steve, this fruit you speak of.. the ones that the fruit flies like to eat is transported in big trucks that burn fossil fuels to run their engine. Never mind the fact that fruit flies eat other things too, not just fruit.. (the label "fruit fly" is very misleading) and all these things are transported using non-renewable energy sources (remember the Russian bananas for example?) . Not to mention the fact that the words fruit, fly, fossil and fuel all start with the letter "f".
Travel to Germany in airplanes? This is ironic, no?
New plan for the fruit flies: Let's say that fruit flies are essentially tiny, tiny pigeons. How do you get rid of pigeons? Easy. You put spikey wire where they like to sit, and a plastic owl in a visible location nearby. What you need to do is cover all surfaces with tiny, tiny pigeon wire, and place plastic frogs in visible locations around your office. Problem solved!
Also, about the bandaids, with a roll of duct tape and a box of tissues you can make bandaids of any size!
Hmm, I should write one of those "handy tips around the home" books.
I LOVE IRONY. AND BOOKS with handy tips!
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