Monday, June 06, 2005

Armand Van Helden is one of the cooler americans..

MOnday morning. I got to work 15 minutes early. It's actually very peaceful here so early. Nobody else has arrived, and I haven't had the opportunity to mess up my desk yet, so I can enjoy looking at my empty desk.. it's actually a really pretty wood, I never really noticed before cause of my messiness problem..

Well the weekend was pretty good I think. I don't really remember.. I saw an awesome movie called Up and Down (I think) and it was from the Czech Republic, and it totally reminded me of Russia. My host mom in Russia was alot like the mom in this movie. They both wear wigs cause they want to look pretty, but their wigs are actually uglier than their natural hair. I could even follow what was going on for the entire time, even though it wasn't in english, which is pretty exciting cause I often have a hard time following english movies.

I was walking past Jenn's apartment last night and I wanted to go up to visit her.. and sure enough.. King Ralph was getting back too .. and we rode the elevator together. The reason this was memorable was because he was eating a hamburger and fries.. and it smelled up the elevator.. like fries.. and I hadn't eaten supper and was really hungry. So I went to try and find a hamburger and any place that sold hamburgers was closed! There should be some sort of rule.. like hamburgers should be available for as long as the sun is up.. I had to settle for Tim Hortons, which was not quite the same thing.. Jenn and I hung out at the Tim Hortons.. the guy working there gave us a free donut cause he said I look like a "good person." He started jabbing at the till pretending to aim for the "donut" button, and purposely missing it every time. It was refreshing to see somebody in the service industry who is alert, cheerful, has a sense of humour and doesn't despise the customers.. well maybe he had just been there too long and was dilusional. Hard to say. OH yeah back to the King Ralph, I think I should leave some DJ David Suzuki books outside of his door.. probably wouldn't do much good though..reading is probably bad for the economy.. and I'd have to get them simplified into a grade 8 reading level..

I walked all the way to the Italian Grocery store which is by the way really far and in a really freaky part of town. But it was a great walk. Edmonton is so weird.. you walk for one block, and it's pretty old trees and neat old houses with kids running around.. and I feel totally safe. Then you turn the corner and it's mobs of sketchy homeless people who are dancing on the street..
Both add alot of character to the city, but it always throws me off how the city is divided into these weird little subsections... one block of hookers, then one block of churches, then a nice safeway shopping complex, then a beautiful park, then an empty field of mud that looks like it should have landminds in it, then a run-down ghost town block with about 80% of the businesses closed.. maybe all cities are like this, i've just never payed that close attention..


geekbot said...

So I'm guessing the priests (from the churches) hang out at the park, the hookers hang out at the mall, and all those people who used to live in the what-is-now-a-ghost-town, must have hung out in the mind-field. That's the nice thing with big cities: there's a place for everyone! :D

Anonymous said...

You should have told King Ralph that you heard he was quitting right away. That would have made him happy.