It's already Saturday, and this last week was a huge blur..
Last Friday. Jesse, my middle little brother had his high school grad. He dressed up really pretty in a spiffy tux, and I pulled out the.. thing in the pocket.. napkin? whatever, it's folded really neatly and he said you're not supposed to touch it cause it's hard to fold. It can't be that hard.
My grandparents even came down, and it was really nice to see them. They came over to my apartment and my grandma wasn't even disgusted! (as she normally is when she sees where I live) My grandpa commented that my room was quite messy, and I replied by saying "A clean room is the sign of a wasted life" He was impressed I could tell.
I'm not sure if this validates my messy room or not, but either way, at least it gave him something to think about and distracted him from the messiness.
My cousin landon drove them up which was a nice surprise. He's either really shy or just can't stand my existence. He's going to school in Edmonton in the fall. I think he's one of those people that moves to a big city to go to school and then actually focuses all their energy on school. I should try that.. put school as a top priority... above all else....nah.
Ah yes, how could I forget? I work as a banquet server for some reason, which I can talk about now withoout being bitter because I have the weekend off for once. But Tuesday, the queen and her posse and the PM and the President of Alberta all came and ate a bunch of expensive food. This is the first time that I've ever:
1. seen people drink so much wine in 3hr.45 min.
2. spilt an entire bottle of wine all over the floor.. (a lady at one of the tables turned around and yelled "are you drunk already?" It made me want to stab her with her salad fork. But I didn't. I should have.
I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. The Queen E tried to speak french, but kind of butchered it, and the Prime Minister made a lame speech about nothing. I've never heard him speak before (what kind of canadian am i??) and I just assumed that he would be moderately witty/and or have a sense of humour/have a point to what he was saying or that at least his speech writers would be.. NOPE. What's the point of speeches? Are they meant to inform? entertain? give a nice amount of time for banquet servers to spill wine ont he floor? I'm confused.
Speaking of the queen.. (or am I?) I saw HOtel Rwanda. It shook me up! (in a bad way) made me cry, made me unable to sleep and made me ashamed to be white. Does that mean it's a good movie?
I say it's time for swimming.
Mill Creek opens soon...we should go stab all the teenie hoes with salad forks in the fight for supremacy...good plan?
Hey hey hey....some people like 'em teenie hoes! I saw the queen while she was in calgary..she drove by my work :O And yes, you should concentrate on your studies....there are 'C's out there to be had, you just got to and get 'em!
GPA 2.34
insert 'go' after 'to' and before 'and' ...
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