Friday, April 29, 2005

La guitaristic house organisation

Friday night's alright for fighting, and i've decided that my ear hurts. Maybe I have an ear infection. I remember having an ear infection when I was a wee lad.. oh wait I wasn't a wee lad, but when I was younger than I am now, I think I remember my ear hurting like it does now. And I had an ear infection then.

So I'm at work, and my mom just called me and said she would be very very late picking me up. So I'm stranded here until traffic gets moving and she can come rescue me.

Yesterday, I travelled to Mayerthorpe for my job. I used my bosses vehicle cause I don't have one, and hoped to get everything done there in one day, and it all went well except that I decided it would be a good idea to combine my city-instincts of locking the doors with my country-girl insticts which involve leaving the keys in the car. This was instict combining gone wrong, let me tell ya. Cause my keys were locked in the car, along with my jacket, wallet, camera (I thought I could make some nifty photos of my stupidity) and any phone numbers which might have been useful in fixing my predicament. Luckily, there was a very nice man who helped me break into my car. In 2 hours. I was glad that I had my clipboard with me outside the car, so i could look very professional while wanting to start crying like a baby.. I am very grateful fo their kindness..

So, I finally start driving home. I got about 45 minutes away, and stopped to get a coffee.. and you'll never guess what I found in my purse, but the keys to the Mayerthorpe swimming pool. And, to be perfectly honest, I didn't really need the keys to the Mayerthorpe Swimming pool. I mean, it's empty, and it's only open June-August, so there's really no need for keys. Plus, the town of mayerthorpe probably might think they're important. So, I turned around and drove them back. Energy savings right there..

Anyways, in other news, it's snowing outside. I still, despite having lived in Edmonton my whole life, am not familiar with Edmonton weather patterns. Is this normal? Something about May long weekend and wearing tights after labour day seems to be sticking in my mind as some sort of basis for something.. but overall I'm just confused as I sit here, listening to Four Tet, wondering if my mom will make it through the storm.

Friday, April 22, 2005

go e-town! aka earth town!

on a happy note


It is Earth Day today.. and I just want to focus your attention on the US governments sincere love for our dear earth. They built a great webpage to show off. Read about how the US federal government is "cleaning the air, promoting land conservation, and improving water quality" all because of earth day! This is why earth day is so great.

In case you were wondering, Walmart is not evil. They built a great webpage to show off how much they care. Apparantly they buy paper and enveloppes and donate them to soldiers overseas. If that's not civil service at its finest (by 5 people tied for title of 6th richest person in the world) then I don't know what is.

I should consider joining the army so I can get some freeee stationary. wheeeeeeee.

On a more sad note, Germany closed another nuclear power plant. Apparantly, nuclear energy cannot find acceptance with Germans because the plants have a huge potential for catastrophe and they produce toxic waste for all of eternity...

AND.. we couldn't find any evidence of Germans celebrating Earth Day!! (unlike the americanos) No webpage! Man they are lazy. Germany takes up space on the earth, they should really be more appreciative.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


"do you know why I like chocolate chip cookies?"

no, why?

"They have chocolate chips in them"


"Do you know why I like chocolate chips?"

no, why?

"they have chocolate in them"

Children are the future, and that's why I love this logical discussion between a 4 year old playschooler named George and myself which happened on Friday afternoon.

This past weekend, I baby-sat my cousins in Calgary. Friday I got to be the "special helper" and kick it old school with 12 playschoolers.. one thing that I was a bit perplexed about was that 5/12 of them have deathly allergies. So they have to be quarantined during snack time so they don't die or something. I know nuts have always been an issue, but this class cummulatively is allergic to strawberries, dairy, soy products, tomatoes, carrots, meat products and of course nuts.. why is this? Was this always the case and I just don't remember? Somebody please clue me in.

My cousins are adorable, and I know that everybody says that about every kid, but it's cause it's true. I brought them to Chinatown in Calgary and they kept calling it Chinese-city. Georgia had a metal coffee travel mug and 4 stuffed dogs with her as we cruised around on the C-Train. She was a little slow, with all her loot, but she was in no rush at all.. she kept singing and bopping her head.. and talking to her 4 puppies; megan, boomer, browner and rosie. Laura has grown about 2 feet since I saw her last and has picked up a novel skill: reading. She's also developped the ability to foresee consequences and clean up after herself. I was impressed.

In Calgary, I was also able to meet up with Ryan, one of my CWY Big bro's. He brought us to Peter's Drive In and we had a good chat. It's cool that he lives so close, I think this weekend encounter was the first reunion within our whole group. Honestly, spending the whole afternoon with him made me miss everybody...

A clever boy once told me that people are like composts, and you should just take all your experiences and put them in your compost and let them decompose and use whatever is leftover to grow and prepare for future experiences. My compost scheme was working quite efficiently.. but this reunion business is slowing down the process. I guess it's not a bad thing..

Last Thursday I went to Stammtisch, which is always an enjoyable time.. German + beer. It's really the perfect combination. I somehow managed to become the President of the German club for the upcoming school year. I didn't get voted in or anything, so I guess I'm actually the Dictator of the German club for the upcoming school year. Nowadays, I hear they're the same thing..

My dad has turned into Mr. Fitness and woke me up at 5:30am so I could go to the gym with him this morning. Yet another opportunity for me to confirm that I am not a morning person.

I'm very proud of myself, because I finally finished cd's for Galya and Ricky.. and stuck them into the mailbox headed for RUSSIYA!!! It only took me 3 months for Ricky's. But he is just a Swede stuck in a Russian exclave.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

ATTENTION ALL FRUIT FLIES: Please leave me alone

Ah, yes, a lovely Tuesday morning. I sit here staring at my screen wondering what to do. Some technical difficulties with my computer are preventing me from doing the work that I would like to be doing. I considered consulting the office Tech Support to see if they could fix it, but then I remembered that I am the office Tech Support and I have no clue how to fix my problem.
So, this problem will go unfixed until I dream up a solution. I'm feeling a touch guilty that it's not quite lunchtime and I'm already freeling blogging away. So I'll do some advertising. My company is called Carbon Busters, or Öko-Smart in Deutschland, and we do energy audits and environmental education of/in schools and municipal buildings in Canada and Germany. Our goal is to decrease CO2 emissions and provide a healthy liveable environment for future generations.

In other news, we have fruit flies!!! They are flying around the office all over the place and I want to stab them all. With daggers perhaps. Anybody know how to get rid of them? Other than rid your surroundings from all dust, food, moisture and smells or attempting to smother them all??

And, I leave you with some words of wisdom from my idol:

"Free societies are hopeful societies. And free societies will be allies against these hateful few who have no conscience, who kill at the whim of a hat."

--Mr. Themostpowerfulmanintheworld

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

office of flying daggers

THEY (who the heck is they?) say the blog was kinda interesting while I was in RUSSIA.. and once I got to PEI it went down a significant notch and now.. well, it's downhill, and there's no turning back.

Do you REALLY have to be "OUT OF TOWN" to keep up your blog? Probably not.

I've been THINKING about this whole blogging business/entertainment/notion/idea and well, it seems to me that it's quite complicating. There's alot of WACKY stuff I could write about, but the readership is QUITE broad. Not necessarily large, but broad. As in broad ages and broad walks of life and broad relationships with me. So not everything I wanna say is going to be appropriate for everybody. Which leaves me to write really shallow crap about NOTHING. Or to just NOT CARE and write what I want. My fellow young short-attention span-ADD-or-maybe-ADHD-i wanna ride my bike-over-stimulated-de-sensitized- fellow internet surfers can appreciate it either way..

I'm back at work at CARBON BUSTERS. I found my old desk covered in random BOXES and old PRINTERS and DEAD PLANTS, so until I feel energetic enough to deal with it, I've migrated across the office to sit with Anna, or the SPUNKMEISTER as I like the call her (she doesn't know about this nickname yet either). So far, things are going A OKAY. I'm dealing with the usual computer problems and communication problems that existed 6 months ago, but CHALLENGES are always important for personal growth, right? And jobs are helpful for.. money.. and money.. helpful for living.. etc.. etc..

Last week, I went to Stammtisch for some German speaking madness which was awesome. Then I went to Whyte for some pub action and remembered that Edmonton is a very vibrant city. And it has a damn high bar/club/restaurant turnover rate.

I learnt today that the Chinese ideogram for "CRISIS" is the character for "DANGER" and "OPPORTUNITY" put together, which I thought was very cool. This makes me feel much better about the global eco-crisis. Anna said she met a lady on the bus who was asking where global warming was cause it was still so damn cold outside.

I'm living with my parents, which has been quite nice. My dad and I watched this wacky video called "ROCK AND ROLL CIRCUS" last night. John Lennon, the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, Taj Mahal, Jethro Tull and a bunch of other musically inclined wacked out on drugs individuals dressed up like they were at a frickin CIRCUS and put on a wacky concert somewhere in England in what looks like a circus tent. Some dude came to play the violin and Yoko Ono is standing in front of him for half the song staring at him. (he's looking quite confused at this point) Then all of a sudden she starts YELLING at the top of her lungs.. TO THE BEAT.. if that's possible.. and this guy was totally caught off guard and had this strange look on his face, kind of a cross between FEAR and EMBARASSMENT. The audience (which is really small) are all wearing YELLOW rain jackets and appear to be randomly swaying BACK and FOURTH in a space-cakey- trance for 30 hours. Sometimes I wish I would have been alive in 1968. This is the image I had in my head as I drifted off to sleep. That may explain the random YELLING throughout this post.