Sunday, September 11, 2005

Friends n' roomies in IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to get a sweater.

Or is it? Or would I? O. R. THEY? O.R. scrubs that is.

Well, in the last month or so, I don't really remember what has been going on.
But I know I've been pretty lucky. No rabbit feet, or Irish people. I haven't even been eating lucky charms. Mostly cause they're grose. So this luck must be.. .. .. I should really shut up about my luck. Maybe even "knock on wood". Cause this luck is free to expire at any given moment..

Our apartment is starting to feel like a "home", and I'm excited about my roomate and I as a unit again, and how we're gonna find our balance for the upcoming months.. or years.. who knows really? NOt me! Her health is normal today, which is quite refreshing.

I'm in school again too! I took two years away from the official studies to pursue other endeavors, like making money by sitting in front of a computer and bumming around other parts of the planet. I figure the majority of the world doesn't have the opportunity to learn to read, never mind go to such a prestigious Univeristy (HA HA AHAHAHAHA)

And if you consider the women who have this chance, the numbers are even smaller. So I'm lucky to be supported by my family, society and my government to pursue "higher education," Even if I don't give a rip about accounting or business statistics. Being in school means no working full-time. All I have to say about that is this:

"sign me up"

I realized once again that I have wonderful parents, who are supportive of my decisions concerning the colour of our bathroom. My mom is painting it as we speak. Overall, I'm excited about this, except the smell is making me want to wak wak. (wak wak is nepalese for barf) should have opted for the no VOC paint.

Also, Elliot Smith is amazing, in case anybody was like "Is Elliot Smith amazing" Yes. Yes he is. Maybe even cooler than Winston Churchill. Or Jackie Onassis. Not sure though. I suspect one of these wore more Chanel. And tweed. .. .. .. ..


Tessa said...

Hey get a sweater, and you'll feel better....autumn is here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for choosing to attend school and for paying tuition, so, by extension, I get paid for my job on campus and can therefore afford to go backpacking in the near future. In a way, your classes are sending me overseas!

The Chairman said...

The big J-O suggests you stop just talking about tweed and start doing something about it, such as marrying a Greek tycoon. Or raccoon. They have those there, right?

Anonymous said...

Ooooohh...what colour is your bathroom now? Also, congratulations on being an awesome roommate. If I ever have to wake up on my way to a hospital, I hope I have a cool friend willing to keep me company until I can be freed.

amy said...

steve - thanks for making everything about you.

anick, the bathroom is a .. come check it out.. i can't describe it.
and, if you're ever on your way to the hospital in an ambulance, call me. i'm very skilled at entertaining myself and the sicko. (which would be you in that case)

Anonymous said...

"very skilled at entertaining myself and the sicko" - haha. That sounds great and it's the truth, Man. She is able to hold your hand even if you are about to turn into a mad cat.
Grüße von der deutschen Katastrophe