Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Dedicated to all Swedes stuck in Russian exclaves

What has the mirro's dent in society been lately? Pretty sure it's been nothing, actually. Well I only say this because it's such a huge dent that I can't even remember it. I had a lovely weekend, which was already 3 days ago. I learned how to bake bread, learned the secret ingredient in hummus, ate a pickled egg at the Strat, and I learned that honesty will get me further than all the pickled eggs you could fit in your backpack.

Speaking of honesty, I'd like to talk about my education now. Business School. It seems like in every class, they either emphasize that money should be a top priority in everybody's lives and/or make fun of hippies. Yeah yeah hippy's are funny. Especially the dirty ones. Or better yet the hippies-turned accountants living in Kitsilano. But they did alot of cool stuff, I mean they wanted some kind of restructuring of our society, and went about via drugs and free love (I wasn't born then, I don't really remember.)
So far the people i've met who use hippies as the scapegoat for all societies ills have probably never eaten/smoked/snorted any drugs or loved freely (feel FREEEEE to define love however you want, I don't think it matters) so really, can I trust somebody who is afraid to live to teach me what I should value in my life? How do you spell "amy is skeptical"?

How do the miserable people who will have more money than they could ever spend fit into this equation? Is their an equation for this? If you value something, and then you fill your life with it, shouldn't it all come together?

Not to mention people who make money by exploiting people (dangerous working conditions, low-pay, etc) and the environment (dirty air and water for example) .. and then they donate (ie write-off/put a happy notch in the public relations belt) a bunch of cash (CASH IS KING- I learned that today) to some charity, which supports underfed deformed asthmatic children of single mom's whose dads died in industrial accidents.. How selfless..

I'm also frightened of those who have copious amounts of dough who have no fashion sense whatsoever. I may or may not be referring to my teacher.

I'd like to conclude by saying that I am greedy too, and I pollute several times a day at least (maybe more). I also have no fashion sense. But at least I'm honest.


Anonymous said...

Did you and Tessa make bread? I am insanely jealous right now. Tessa, I love the book, but let's be honest: I suck at bread. I need you! Come back to Vancouver and help me!

Okay, I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.

What is the secret ingredient in hummus? Is it not chickpeas? You can't just say you have a secret and then not tell what it is.

Is that our Kitsilano that's getting mentioned in your class? If it is, that's kind of cool...I guess.

Do you have something against underfed deformed asthmatic children of single moms whose dads died in industrial accidents? That's not very nice. Really Tessa, how can you live with such a mean person?

The Chairman said...

I'm making a damn salmon pie,okay???!???! I hope I scare everything you see

Anonymous said...

I commend your honesty. Also, your previous comment amused me immensely. I think that means I need to go back to bed. I wish I could.

Tessa said...

Amy actually has two people in her life that can make bread, Amanda. How jealous are you now!

Also Amy you have fabulous fasion sense, so in a entry about honesty you lied. tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

I just thought of this: education IS an expense in accounting terms, not an asset. Assets depreciate in value each year on the books. Education doesn’t do this has it has no tangle physical form that can depreciate. Plus, you can sell off assets if need be. It would be pretty hard to sell a degree, so it can't be an asset.

At least, that's my understanding of it from my times on a few society boards (although it was never the Treasurer so I didn't look into it too deeply). And it's probably too late for your assignment anyway.