Well, it's my last day on the program. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I've decided that crying and laughing simultaneously is the best feeling in the world. I decided that on St. Patrick's Day in an Irish Pub after too much green beer. Everybody kept asking me why I was crying.. and I pointed to them and said "I'M CRYING FOR YOU! BECAUSE YOU CAN'T CRY!!" and "I'M CRYING FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO FASHION SENSE!" It was very therapeutic and not to mention fun. People are so uncomfortable with crying.. it's good to get them out of their comfort zones..
We said bye to the Russians this morning, and it's just starting to hit me. Right now, I'm supposed to be doing a resume workshop.. working on my resume.. which Cecylia sent to me.. cause I'm not as organized as I should be.. really we should all be carrying our resumes around with us at all times. What was I thinking?
Resumes/employment future aside, it's been a great last couple weeks. Toronto was a good time. Caught up with Lena and Paul which was better than I had expected. Galya and them got along devinely.. and the city provided an abundance of stimulation and entertainment.
The radio thing went awesome. It was such a rush. I got to interview lots of interesting folks. Farewell went well. On our last day we made Sushi for our host mom Kate and have been debriefing (not ripping off eachothers underwear..contrary to what you might think..) in Halifax.
I'll be back in E-town on Wednesday night.. which I am actually really looking forward to.
Hopefully I'll get some sleep before then.. get out of this funk brought on by sheer exhaustion..
High Five to Canada World Youth and to Jacques Hebert and Pierre Trudeau for starting the whole thing!
Have a good trip back to Edmonton. We have to go out sometime now that you're (almost) back!
'Hope the trip back home was good.
'Miss you bunches!
Hey, I'm gald you had such an awesome time. Hope the trip back was uneventful and the forth coming adjustment back to life in Deadmonton isn't too jarring.
I just wanted to add that I hope you continue writing in this blog even though your Russian/Charlottetown adventure has come to an end. I've really enjoyed reading it, I think you're a great writer, and your posts never fail to put a smile on my face. Also I like keeping tabs on you, it's hard keeping up.
Talk to you soon!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us for a "welcome back Amy!" bash at the Standard on April 7th to catch Felix da Housecat tear up the turntables (it costs $20--tickets at Colourblind). There will most likely be a pre-party at my house with plenty of booze.
-- Steve McQueen
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