Saturday, November 13, 2004

But you're a musician. Not anymore. (Witches love lazy saturday afternoons.)

AH I'm in good spirits cause I just received Mr. Andersen's latest and greatest cd in the mail, and am listening to it RIGHT NOW! I think Galia likes it too, mostly cause she hasn't complained yet. (thanks Jeff, it made my day- I'm not happy about livesets being on at 8am here though)

The AIESEC interviewing was very..interesting. Cheslav and I pretended we were important and intimidated young AIESEC hopefuls. We asked everybody what they thought their strengths and weaknesses are. We were kind of surprised that very few could name strengths and all but 2 were unable to name their weaknesses. One girl said she was lazy and another one said she wasn't very clever.
I think I learned alot about how to behave in an interview. One girl was like "I can't answer these questions because I just woke up.. I'll have to think about them" (she came half and hour late too) And some economic majors couldn't name any economic problems in Russia... (50% of GRP is black market, political corruption, banks and insurance companies and the government aren't trusted by anybody blah blah I guess maybe it's just more obvious to a foreigner? I don't know I guess I can't really name any of Canada's economic problems off the top of my head)

Last night, I went to this Renaissance music concert. It was pretty good, mostly cause halfway through this very serious song, they started making farm animal noises, and then that lead into a song where everybody was making cat noises. I thought I was going to pee myself laughing. Lots of the songs were english and french, and they served free hot wine at intermission. So, um, the second half was much better..

Some Polish students came up to us and just wanted somebody to speak english to. They had no Russian translator and nobody spoke any Russian. They thought they were seeing My Fair Lady, which was actually playing across town next weekend, and somehow managed to get into this Renaissance music concert in a museum.. i'm so glad I have Galia to do the talking around here..

Last night, we were invited to her little cafe/shack in the woods for supper and karaoke. We sang the song "We are the world".. and we were mimiking this french tv show where they had a puppet of George Bush singing "we f*ck the world". I think we sang it in elementary school choir.. "we are the world, we are the children, we are the ones to make a better day so let's start giving" we is awesome by the way. thanks for the link, mr. mcqueen.

I learned that there is a divide in our group.. THOSe who can't sing (canadians) and those who can (russians) Don't worry, that didn't stop us. I don't expect another invitation..
This was the first time in my life where I actually participated in karaoke, it was almost as funny as when Galen and Chester were facilitating. Galen breaking off into a story about his life mid-song.."so this one time.." takes the cake.

Track 22 is making me really want to get up and dance, so I'm signing off.

Peace love and Boris Yeltsin.

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