Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Everybody is leaving this city!
At first I was disappointed that everybody is cutting town - but now I'm ready to accept this. People are moving on - following what matters to them - love, adventure, money, a career - all of which I approve of. I'd rather have all my friends dispersed throughout the planet than have them all in one city bored and miserable. They wouldn't be the people I'd want to hang out with. And no, it doesn't mean you're bored and miserable if you stay in Edmonton, but if you're not following whatever is calling you, then you run the risk of becoming.. bored... or miserable. But of course there are no guarantees; you could probably spend your entire life here without any direction or goals and still be completely happy - or you could hop around to various cities following what you think would make you happy - and then be miserable. Like Douglas Copeland said, which I am paraphrasing - like I could remember a direct quote: "I travelled the world looking for the best city out there and then realized that my hometown was the best city going" (Vancouver) Not that Edmonton is the best city going or anything, and not that I'm trying to discourage you all from leaving, but ya know - I have to tell myself something if I'm going to be staying here for awhile.