Thursday, April 27, 2006


Originally uploaded by maladiets.

I'm in the process of moving! As you all know, it's no fun whatsoever. It's hard on your mind (where does this go? will it fit in this box?) , your body (ouch, heavy) and it's also a very emotional process (looking back at all the good times (and bad) you had in your cute little apartment, and going through everything you own and thinking about how all these things are meant to define a person's true self) All in all, a stressful process. Plus we've made a no buying groceries till the new place pledge, which means I'll just probably eat chocolate for supper. I still have Easter chocolate left. Why is this you ask? Well, during Easter, I was doing a 12 day herbal detox extravaganza, meaning I couldn't eat certain foods.. or food groups I should say (like grains, tropical fruit, the peanut-group, dairy, and the sugar-group (not even honey) SO- now that that's over (I didn't cheat once, except for the gin I drank on the first day. I learned that tonic water is as sugar-filled as pop. Who knew something so grose could be filled with glucose-frucose-comatose. NOT I!

Well, I guess I should get back to this whole packing ordeal..

wish me luck